Huelva Seminar
Good Intercultural practises in current Europe
University of Huelva Escuela de Trabajo Social Salón de Grados de la Escuela de Trabajo Social 14th June 2006
JUNE, 14 10:00-10-30 Official Inauguration Intervening: Francisco J. Martínez López (Chancellor U. of Huelva), Juan Ignacio Aguaded (IP Agora), Andrea Marchesini (President Africa e Mediterraneo), Octavio Vázquez (Head, School of Social Work, UHU) 10:30-12:00 Estrella Gualda (U. of Huelva) “Socio working integration of migrants in Andalusia: toward a definition of good practise of social introduction” Manuel Martínez (U. of Seville) “Evaluation of involvement and Empowerment of EQUAL ARENA project” Vincenzo Fano (U. of Urbino) Oriol reixa Matalonga, Expert of International cultural cooperation “New European Union intercultural politic” 12:00-12:30 Snack 12:30-13:15 Round Table: “Overview of Good Intercultural Practices in current Europe” Moderator: Miriam Fernández Intervening: -Africa e Mediterraneo -Grupo de Investigación Agora -Centre Bruxellois d´action interculturelle -The Multicultural Center Prague 13:30-14:00 Cinta Benabat Duque, responsible of the project “Conociéndonos” from the Association Huelva Acoge and Asociación de Vecinos Nuevo Higueral “Intervention in Comunitarian area: knowing our disctrict.
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