percorsi interculturali
in Europa

en it fr es cz

Scenic spaces in the diaspora

diasporic art, immigrant artists, theather, multicultural cities, Barcelona 

project leader

Council of Europe/ERICarts: Data base Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe






2001 - 2007

kind of project

theatrical plays

kind of actor




partner institution

Cultural Association Palo Q'Sea
Trama Luna Teatro
La Korbata
Asociación Delirio and Cuentos sin Frontera
Centro Cívico Can Felipa in Poblenou

more info

A series of performing art festivals with artists from immigrant communities, mainly from Latin America, have taken place in Barcelona between 2001 and 2004: Women Get Together on the Scene (Encuentro de mujeres en escena, 2001-2003) and New Voices (Nuevas voces de Barcelona , 2002-2004) Both projects were aimed at developing alternative spaces for intercultural dialogue between immigrant communities and the residents of Barcelona. This includes spaces of cultural interaction where situations of social inclusion/exclusion of immigrant community in Barcelona are debated, where residents can hear the voices of their new neighbours without the mediation of political or academic institutions. In both projects, immigrant artists generated their own spaces of expression in an active way by acting and setting up exhibitions in different locations throughout the city. Women Get Together on the Scene was organized by the cultural association Palo Q'Sea, in collaboration with Trama Luna Teatro, La Korbata, Asociación Delirio and Cuentos sin Frontera and with the support of the Centro Cívico Can Felipa in Poblenou. These encounters were truly intercultural gatherings. Since 2001, women from the field of the performing arts from Barcelona, Valencia, La Rioja, Bilbao, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico and Chile have been meeting to encourage and to strengthen their own personal development in the fields of theatre, music, dance, poetry and visual arts.

Progetti educazione