parcours interculturels
en Europe

en it fr es cz


Massimo Repetti

Abstract (English)

"EMIL" is an European modular program for intercultural learning, European-wide accessible with partners from Germany , Bulgaria, Greece, Great Britain and Turkey paying attention to different academic traditions, education systems and social problems in teachers’advanced training (Grundschulpaedagogik).
"EMIL" project develops and makes accessible a pan-European modular training programme in intercultural learning, addressing both initial and further training for Primary School teachers. The project thus fills a gap, since intercultural training is not a requirement in any of the partner countries.


Abstract (italiano)

"EMIL" è un programma modulare europeo per l’apprendimento interculturale, accessibile in tutta Europa con partner della Germania, Bulgaria, Grecia, Gran Bretagna e Turchia, che considera le diverse tradizioni accademiche, i sistemi di istruzione e i problemi sociali nella formazione avanzata degli insegnanti (Grundschulpaedagogik). Il progetto "EMIL" sviluppa e rende accessibile un programma pan-europeo di formazione modulare nell’apprendimento interculturale, che si rivolge alla formazione sia iniziale, sia avanzata degli insegnanti delle scuole primarie. Il progetto in tal modo colma una mancanza, poiché la formazione interculturale non è una necessità in nessun paese partner.

1 The project

1.1 Description of the project (objectives, activities and results)

Priority objectives of the project "EMIL" are :

  • to embody intercultural authorities as key authorities for basic school pedagogues in the basic and advanced training;
  • to sensitize and for the democracy and tolerance education enable basic school teacher/inside for handling other cultures;a contribution for the development of an European teacher profile;
  • an European education area to carry out as well as advancing Turkey at Europe to support.

The activities of the project are:

  • project preparation: meetings and theoretical contributions;
  • realisation of the European modular programme both at theoretical and practical level, with evaluation tests;
  • realisation and publication of a manual for intercultural training for initial and further teachers' training, as well as a handout for use in Primary school teaching.

The results of the project are:

  • the common development of an European modular program to anchor intercultural competence in initial and further teachers' training at Primary level (at the theoretical level);
  • the creation of an effective conjunction between 8 Faculties of 6 Universities;
  • a first test run (multiplicator training of the partners), a second test run (training of mixed compound basic school teacher/inside on national level by the multiplicators) as well as a third test run with a multi-cultural group of students (promotion COMENIUS 2.2.a);
  • the completion of “EMIL Veroeffentlichungen” , a manual for lecturer/inside the teacher out and advanced training (DE) that is also an help for the basic school teaching (on DE, BG, GR, TR, EN);
  • this document has been translated into the respective national languages of the partner states;
  • this document is European-wide accessible through the admission into the COMENIUS Kursdatenbank. The European modular program "EMIL" is European-wide accessible through the admission into the COMENIUS Kursdatenbank.

1.2 When and how long: structure and steps of the project

This project is being supported for a two-year period (01.11.2004 – 30.09.2006) according the following frame:

  • Step I)  a phase of Project preparation through contributions focusing on the education and teachers' training systems of the participating states, as well as the ethnic make-up of each member state.
  • Step II) two test runs with participants from the partner states, and following evaluation by all members, a test run with a teaching candidate from each partner state in Munich, Germany. This is to be followed by evaluation and will complete the European modular programme at the practical level.
  • Step III) the publication of the project results in the form of a manual for intercultural training for initial and further teacher training, as well as a handout for use in Primary school teaching.

1.3 Place and context

The project "EMIL" evolves in the schools, and it is aimed at the initial and further training of teachers and lecturers. "EMIL" project takes into account both cultural and social aspects, i.e. education systems and social problems. Among social problems, "EMIL" includes issues to do with minorities, immigration, the process of European Integration and enlargement to Turkey.

1.4 Target

The target group of the project "EMIL" are lecturer/inside the teacher out and advanced training (Grundschulpaedagogik), as well as beginning and practicing basic school teacher/inside, with particular emphasis on Primary level education.

1.5 Methodology

The methodology, underlying theoretical contributions and meetings, puts on evidence the central areas under discussion. They were the education and teacher training systems of the participating states, the ethnic make-up of each member state and, in each case, the background reasons why multi-cultural and/or intercultural competence training was deemed necessary in Primary school teaching. The relevant contributions to be made through the expertise of the partner states was discussed and finally the concept of the Munich Institutes of Intercultural Communication was put forward.

1.6 Authors, funding and networks

Institut für Interkulturelle Kommunikation of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (lead partner), in conjunction with:

  • Faculty for Pedagogy, Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis.
  • Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki,Florina (GR).
  • Faculty of European Studies, University of the West of England,Bristol (UK).
  • Faculty of Education, University of the West of England,Bristol (UK).
  • Faculty of Educational Sciences, Universitet Episkop Konstantin Preslavski,Shumen (BG).
  • Faculty of Philosophy, Sofiiki Universitet ''Sveti Kliment Ohridski'',Sofia (BG).
  • Faculty of Communication Sciences, University of Ankara,Ankara (TR).
  • Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Ankara,Ankara (TR).
  • The "EMIL" project is sponsored by the European Commission, Department of Education and Culture, through the SOCRATES COMENIUS Programme (2.1), as well as by the Institute for Intercultural Communication, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.
  • Funding : European Commission, Central Management Education and Culture, SOCRATES Comenius Program Grant Amount: 147.339 euro , Approved Budget: 236.690 euro.

2 Comments and hints for an evaluation