parcours interculturels
en Europe

en it fr es cz

internet, portal, interculture, expatriates, women 

project leader

Claudia Landini/Marie Lebegue


2004 - ongoing

kind of project


kind of actor



quality of life


more info is an international, multilingual portal where expatriate women of all nationalities can meet to discuss their feelings, experiences, practical and emotional needs when facing the experience of living in other cultures. The project is based on the active participation of expatwomen and is developed in four different languages in order to allow a wide number of women to participate and to increase the amount of accessible information. Our aim is to support all expatriate women in the various phases of expatriation, in order to turn the experience abroad into a rich, complete, passionate moment, lived in a full intercultural exchange and with a deep and respectful knowledge of the hosting country. In order to do so we approach several themes from different points of view: we publish experiences of expatriates in a variety of situations, so as to touch themes like arrival in a new country, adaptation, security, health concerns, intercultural relations, adaptation for children, international schooling, local culture, creativity, etc. The intercultural experience starts at the bottom: four teams (each for each language) of highly motivated women that come from different cultural contexts and live in 12 different countries, from Latin America to Africa and Asia, passing from United States and Europe, interact daily in four different languages to up-date and enrich the website. The geographical variety of our locations and the different times of the countries where we live make it possible to provide a lively, complete, up-dated website.

Projet qualité de la vie