recorridos interculturales
en Europa

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Follow your dream, not the stream

youth, music, anti-racism, communication, pedagogical method 

project leader

Ethnic relations Unit Departement of Education







kind of project

informal practice

kind of actor




partner institution

more info

Many schools have realised the importance of creating arenas for dialogues about relevant existential issues and to help young people to develop emotional and social competence.
This Project is promoted by the Municipality of Malmö (Sweden), in particular from the Ethnic Relations Unit, which is an office whose work is aimed at integration of non native citizens and at promotion of cultural understanding in the city.
The Unit for Ethnic Relations has been working from 2005 in the upper secondary schools of the city to promote a good working climate in the classrooms and to prevent racist and hostile attitudes.
The Project Follow your dream, not the stream aims at creating a pedagogical method that promotes trust and participation among students at risk of exclusion, mostly belonging to ethnic minorities. This project helps to deal with attitudes, values and prejudices together with the teachers and students by carrying out workshops or group activities based on the use of informal and expressive languages. In particular the Project has used the music as a means for communication with disadvantaged and non-native young students.