The Courrier ACP-EU #8 out now!
The State of grace
To the point
“One of the most exciting things for me in Africa is the turnaround”
Round up
The new virtues of local governance Supporting a growing process The missing link Bolstering local government in Kenya with EU funds “If the state does not change, the decentralisation reforms will lose much of their virtue” Incomplete decentralisation process creating risks Not ten…not a hundred…but a thousand international cooperation links The Diaspora and local government: natural partners
Media and Development Forum in Ouagadougou Wordsand commitment from the European Union and African Union Sowing seeds for Africa-EU-China cooperation Aid effectiveness. Forum disappoints some NGOs Opportunities for SMEs in Africa’s water and energy development Fondazioni4Africa: the new frontier of international cooperation Future Constitution of the Seychelles: Brainstorming at the European Parliament Relancer la dynamique régionale
EPAs “in the midst of a maelstrom”
Photography. Prizewinners for Africa
Our Planet
When Science Gets Involved Launch of the EU-Africa partnership for science Ghana undertakes to control timber exports to EU
Surinam Fountain of life for all History as seen by the Amerindians Ramdien Sardoje “In economic terms, yes, we are doing well” A small economy with huge potential Foundations for spatial planning: forests, ecological tourism and plantations Good economic situation but too much bureaucracy and sectarianism, according to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry A certain balance between good governance and community-based allegiances Discovery. The natural heritage Nola Hatterman Institute Surinam-EU Cooperation
Discovering Europe
Scotland Scotland’s Highlands and Islands. An exuberance of natural assets “A myriad of inequalties” Scotland’s international development policy branches out Highlands and Islands on a high Scotch: from strength to strength
Africa in the Museums of Europe Images of women PSICD, support for the vibrancy of Beninese culture Rama Yade in her own words Mandela, a comic book hero
For young readers
Now we can be more efficient
Your say/Calendar
Le dialogue interculturel: un défi pour les croyances et les convictions?
Session du matin 8H30 – 9H30 Inscription et Café d’Accueil 9H30 – 10H00 Discours d’ouverture Président du séminaire Cem Özdemir Membre du Parlement Européen (à confirmer) Vladimír Spidla, Commissaire pour l’Emploi, les Affaires sociales et l’Egalité des Chances Présentation de la chorale « Voices of Peace » par Hadas Kaplan, Directrice adjointe du Centre communautaire arabo-juif de Jaffa, Israël 10H00 – 10H15 “Voices of Peace”, (les Voix de la Paix), Chorale de la jeunesse arabo-juive 10H15 – 10H45 Contributions au débat Professeur Francesco MargiottaBroglio, Université de Florence, Italie Bettina Schwarzmayr, Président Forum Européen Jeunesse (à confirmer) 10H45 – 12H00 Session 1: Défis en matière d'Education Modératrice: Evelyn Collins, Directrice exécutive de la Commission de l'Egalité pour l'Irlande du Nord 10H45-11H05 Introductions au débat 1. Faila Pasic, Ambassadrice de l’Année 2007 en Slovénie 2. OSCE, Toledo Guiding Principles (à confirmer) 11H05-11H45 Panel de discussion 1. Projet irlandais de l’Année 2007, Noel Ward, Union des Enseignants Irlandais 2. Professeur Nikos Maghioros, Réseau EuReSIS NET d'Etudes européennes en religion et interaction avec l'état 3. Forum Européen de la Jeunesse, outil inter-confession 4. Professeur Bekemans, Réseau Jean Monnet 5. Projet français de manuels d'éducation inter-religieuse pour les écoles primaires 6. .... 11H45-12H00 Débat avec les participants au séminaire 12H00 – 12H20 Contribution au débat Anna Lindh Foundation, Mr Andreu Claret, Directeur Exécutif (à confirmer)
12H20- 12H30 “Voices of Peace” 12H30 – 12H45 Ouverture de l’exposition avec les résultats des projets et les campagnes NIB/NCB Oratrice: Belinda Pyke 12H45 – 14H00 Déjeuner (à l’extérieur de la salle de réunion) Session de l’après-midi 14H00 – 14H10 “Voices of Peace” 14H10 – 15H30 Session 2: Défis pour les médias Modérateur: Oliver Money-Kyrle, Directeur des programmes, Fédération internationale des Journalistes 14H10-14H30 Introductions au débat 1. Milica Pesic, Institut de Diversité des Media, Royaume-Uni 2. Bashy Quraishy, Rédacteur en chef de Mediawatch, Danemark et Directeur du Conseil d'ENAR 14H30-15H15 Panel de discussion 1. Projet polonais de l’Année 2007 "Jestem, Jestem" (Je suis, Je suis) 2. .... 3. Sandra Federici, Glocal youth - textes et contextes médiatiques pour jeunes dans le Nord et le Sud 4. Union Européenne de Radio-Télévision : projet de mobilité des journalistes 5. Nick Carter, Rédacteur de Leicester Mercury (à confirmer) 15H15-15H30 Débat avec les participants au séminaire 15H30 – 15H45 Pause café 15H45 – 17H00 Session 3: Défis pour le dialogue entre les croyances et les convictions Modératrice: Emine Bozkurt, Membre du Parlement Européen 15H45-16H05 Introductions au débat 1. Vebjørn L. Horsfjord, Secrétaire général, Religions pour la Paix– Conseil européen des chefs religieux, 2. David Pollock, Fédération humaniste européenne 16H05-16H45 Panel de discussion 1. Projet allemand de l’Année 2007 "Begegnungen in Dialog" (Rencontre par le Dialogue) 2. Elina Eloranta, Conférence pour les églises européennes 3. Veysel Filiz, Cojep International, Conseil de la jeunesse pluriculturelle, France 4. Robin Sclafani, CEJI – Une contribution juive pour une Europe inclusive (Vainqueur de l’Etoile d’Or du Prix pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie 2008 pour l’Education des adultes) 5. Bernard Besret, théologien, France (à confirmer) 16H45-17H00 Débat avec les participants au séminaire 17H00 -17H15 “Voices of Peace” 17H15-17h30 Restitution des débats par un grand témoin - à confirmer 17H30 – 17H45 Conclusions: "Comment progresser – Croyances et convictions dans le dialogue interculturel", Odile Quintin, Directrice Générale DG Education et Culture
Interacció 2008
28 October 2008 to 31 October 2008 Location: Centre d'Estudis i Recursos Culturals Pati Manning Montalegre, 7 08001 Barcelona Telephone: 934 022 565 Fax: 934 02 577 E-mail: oerc.interaccio@diba.cat Organizer: Oficina d'Estudis i Recursos Culturals, Àrea de Cultura Introduction
Interacció 2008 seeks to reopen the debate on diversity and interculturality, convinced that the new dimension of the phenomenon demands a response from local authorities. To this end, Interacció 2008 proposes the following objectives:
* Show a theoretical and practical panorama of the state of local cultural policies on interculturality. * Reflect on the need for the municipal departments and services of culture and citizen participation to respond to the challenges of diversity with their own programmes and policies. * Observe the evolution of the cultural policies of diversity, as well as good practices, and propose new future paths and objectives from a municipal perspective. * Create a space of understanding, meeting and exchange between culture officers and professionals.
It is therefore time to construct a theoretical and practical framework which allows us to confront the creation of intercultural policies from the cultural field. Interculturality implies, however, mobility and fluidity in the approach to culture itself. This affects the new arrivals, but even more the local inhabitants. With interculturality we will all become locals, but also, to some extent, new arrivals. Interculturality, just as it is defined by UNESCO, refers to the equitable interaction of different existing cultures and the possibility of generating shared cultural expressions, through dialogue and mutual respect. It therefore speaks of an equitable interaction, without pre-eminence or domination by anyone. In addition, cultural expressions must be shared; in other words, there must be no interlocutor who imposes them, but rather they must be the fruit of collaboration and exchange.
Furthermore, we must not forget that 2008 has been declared the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID) through decision no. 1983/2006/EC of the European Parliament and the Council (18th December 2006). This international framework is ideal, therefore, for the Diputació (Provincial Government) de Barcelona to make a firm commitment. Programme Interacció'08 consists of three blocks:
1. Plenary Sessions. These are sessions presented by personalities of great distinction in their speciality. 2. Intercultural Policies in the Local Field. These are sessions with more specific subjects to explore some of the issues outlined in the plenary sessions. 3. Field of Experiences. Those attending will have a range of real experiences, presented by the people who have developed them, and with the possibility of applying them in their own municipality.
17 h - 18 h Accreditations (Pati Manning CERC) 18 h - 18.30 h Inaugural Session (CCCB Foyer) Presentations by ,Mr Antoni Fogué, President of the Diputació de Barcelona; Mr. Carles Martí Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council and Mr Guillermo Corral, General Director of Cultural Policy and Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture 18.30 h - 20 h Inaugural Lecture: Diversity in a Complex World (CCCB Foyer) Juan Goytisolo, writer
Moderator: José Manuel González Labrador, President, Department of Culture, Diputació de Barcelona 20 h Welcome Cocktail (Pati Manning CERC)
08.30 h - 9.30 h Accreditations (Pati Manning CERC) 09.30 h - 11 h Plenary Session: Interculturality from Thought (CCCB Foyer) Bhikhu Parekh, Professor of Political Theory, London School of Economics
Moderator: Mr Jordi Pascual, Coordinador of the Commitee on Culture, UCLG 11 h - 11.30 h Break 11.30 h - 13 h Modules Module 1: Intercultural Dialogue (CCCB Foyer) Civic-Cultural Integration: French Assimilationism Guy Saez, Director of PACTE - University of Grenoble
Moderator: Daniel de Torres, Mayor's Office Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue, Barcelona City Council
Module 2: Governance and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) Hubert Krieger, Research Manager of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin (Ireland)
Moderator: Teresa Llorens, Coordinator of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona
13 h - 14 h Open mike of cultural experiences (CERC Auditorium and Plato) Surveys (CERC Auditorium) - Presentation of the System of Indicators for the Evaluation of Local Cultural Policies, FEMP - Spanish Federation of Towns and Provinces
Debates (CERC Plató) - Intercultural dialogue: between the slogan and reality; a debate on festivals as a space for intercultural dialogue. Marta Almirall, Head of Public Festivals and Traditions, ICUB, Barcelona City Council Conceived as a debate, participants can express their view of local public festivals. 14 h - 16 h Break 16 h - 17.30 h Experiences E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CCCB Classroom 1) "Madrid entre dos orillas" Itziar Elizondo, Project Coordinator at Fundación Directa
Moderator: Rocío García, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Citizen Policies, Cornellà de Llobregat Town Council
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Classroom 2) The presence of other cultures in the Bibliographic Sources of Barcelona Libraries Anna Bröll Nadal Technical Director of Services, Barcelona Libraries Consortium
Moderator: Antoni Cabré, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economic Promotion, Culture and Cooperation, Esparraguera Town Council
E3. Cultural Action (CCCB Classroom 3) The castellers (Human Tower Builders) as an Example of Integration Ricard Morén Alegret, Professor and Researcher at the UAB Miquel Botella, Vice-President of the Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya
Moderator: Ferran Tomel, Deputy Mayor for Culture, Youth and Coexistence, Ripollet Town Council
E4. Intercultural Cities Presentation of the experience and visits to facilities and associations in El Raval: Forn de Teatre Pa' tothom (Montse Forcades), Xamfrà (Àngels Roger) and Fundació Tot Raval (Núria Paricio and Laura García)
Moderator: Alba Barnusell, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Communication, Image and Citizen Relations, Granollers Town Council
E5. Citizenry (CERC Auditorium) Roots & Routes, Workshops of audiovisual, music and dance for young people from different origins whose objective is to promote diversity Raúl Martínez, Director of XenoMedia Communicació and professor of Communication. Coordinator in our country of the European project Roots & Routes
Moderator: Isabel Roig, Councillor for Culture, Solidarity and International Cooperation, Arenys de Mar Town Council
17.30 h - 18 h Break 18 h - 19.30 h Modules Module 1: Intercultural Dialogue (CCCB Foyer) British Corporate Multiculturalism Franco Bianchini, Professor of Cultural Policy and Planning, Leeds Metropolitan University
Moderator: Daniel de Torres, Mayor's Office Commissioner for Immigration and Cultural Dialogue, Barcelona City Council
Module 2: Governance and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) The Task of Municipal Governments. Roundtable on cultural policies related to the management of diversity. Claus Preissler Commissioner for Integration and Migration, Mannheim Town Council Dolors Fernández i Bosch, Deputy Mayor of Social Welfare, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Town Council Ana Moreno, Councillor for Social Welfare, Cordova Town Council, and member of the Committee of Immigration and Social Cohesion at FEMP
Moderator: Teresa Llorens, Coordinator of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona
09.30 h - 11 h Plenary Session: Interculturality and Contemporary Creation (CCCB Foyer) Dragan Klaic, theatre scholar and cultural analyst (Amsterdam) Krzysztof Czyzéwski, practitioner of ideas, President of the Borderland Foundation (Poland) and writer
Moderator: Esteve León Aguilera, Director of Social and Cultural Prospective Initiatives, Diputació de Barcelona 11 h - 11.30 h Break 11.30 h - 13 h Experiences E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CERC Auditorium) Linguamón Good Practices, a Resource at the Service of Linguistic Diversity Mercè Solé i Sanosa, Department of Programmes and Management of Linguamón
Moderator: Lluís Monge, Deputy Mayor at the Department of the Presidency and Culture, Sabadell Town Council
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Classroom 2) Intercultural Libraries in Andalusia Rafaela Valenzuela, Director General of Books and Bibliographic and Documental Heritage, Junta de Andalucía
Moderator: Sergi Penedès, Councillor for Culture, Mataró Town Council
E3. Cultural Action (CCCB Classroom 3) La Formiga Socio-Cultural Association: Projects for Interculturality. Jesús Gómez Pujol, Technical Director and co-founder of the association
Moderator: María Hinojo, Councillor for Culture, Martorell Town Council
E4. Intercultural Cities (CCCB Classroom 1) The Fòrum Intercultural de Vic Xavier Solà i Cabanas, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Vic Town Council
Moderator: Maria Enrich, Councillor for Culture and Public Festivals, Igualada Town Council
E5. Citizenry (CERC Plató) Barcelona Festivals and Interculturality Marta Almirall, Manager of Traditions and Festivals at ICUB, Barcelona City Council Moderator: Àngels Ponsa, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy, Industry, Trade, Youth, Culture and Citizen Participation, Sant Quirze del Vallès Town Council
Moderator: Àngels Ponsa, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy, Industry, Trade, Youth, Culture and Citizen Participation, Sant Quirze del Vallès Town Council 13 h -14 h Open mike of Cultural Experiences (CERC Auditorium and Plató) - System of indicators for the evaluation of the Culture and Development Strategy, AECID - Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Mercedes de Castro and Anna Muñoz, AECID.
Publications (CERC Auditorium) - Book Gestión cultural, estudios de caso by David Roselló i Cerezuela and Alba Colombo, Editorial Ariel, 2008. 14 h - 16 h Break 16 h - 17.30 h Modules Module 1: Intercultural Dialogue (CCCB Foyer) Seeking Other Models of Intercultural Relations Roundtable: Intercultural Cities: Greenwich (United Kingdom), Izhevsk (Russia), Oslo (Norway) and Patras (Greece)
Moderator: Daniel de Torres, Mayor's Office Commissioner for Immigration and Cultural Dialogue, Barcelona City Council
Module 2: Governance and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium)
Cultural Actors and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) Carlos Piegari, social communicator Meri Ilich, writer and President of Casa Eslava Abdelatif Abdeselam Hamed, filmmaker Adan Kovacsics, translator and writter
Moderator: Teresa Llorens, Coordinator of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona
18 h - 19.30 h Experiences E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CCCB Classroom 1) Citizen Mediation Services Elena Lledós, Manager of Equality and Citizenship Services, Diputació de Barcelona
Moderator: Francesc Millán, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture and Sports, Pineda de Mar Town Council
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Auditorium) Santa Eugènia Social Centre in Girona and the new arrivals´ associations. Culture and coexistence Pau Martinell, Director of the Centre
Moderator: Anna Ma Chávez, Councillor for Works, Heritage and Culture, Centelles Town Council
(Classroom 2) "Lluïm diferències, vestim il·lusions" Jordi Lozano, responsible for Culture, Sabadell Town Council Sylvia Oussedik, responsible for Culture, Sabadell Town Council, coordinator of the programme Lluïm diferències, vestim il·lusions
Moderator: Joan Soler, Councillor for Culture Olesa de Montserrat Town Council
E4. Intercultural Cities (CERC Auditorium) Barcelona Intercultural Dialogue 2008 Sergi Díaz, Coordinador of Barcelona Intercultural Dialogue (ICUB), Barcelona City Council
Moderator: Ruth Soto, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Facilities and Cultural Heritage, Sant Adrià del Besòs Town Council
E5. Citizenry (CERC Plató) Culture and Proximity. Experiences in the Province of Barcelona Carles Prats Director of CERC Carme Rius, Head of the Office of Cultural Heritage, Diputació de Barcelona
Moderator: Montserrat Mirabent, Councillor for Culture and Tourism, Sant Boi de Llobregat Town Council
09.30 h - 11 h Plenary Session: Interculturality - from a cultural niche to strategic policy principle. The Intercultural Cities programme of the Council of Europe (CCCB Foyer) Irena Guidikova, Head of the Division of Cultural Policies, Dialogue and Diversity, Council of Europe Phil Wood, Consultant and member of Comedia
Moderator: Jordi Martí, Delegate of Culture, Barcelona City Council
11 h - 11.30 h Break 11.30 h - 13.00 h Experiences E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CERC Auditorium) Interculture Map - Parcours Interculturels en Europe, Thematic maps identifying good practices in interculturality Sandra Federici, Editor-in-Chief of the journal ¿Africa e Mediterraneo" Moderator: Laura Martínez, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Education and Culture, Vilassar de Mar Town Council
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Classroom 2) Strategies and Facilities for Social Integration and Intercultural Coexistence Gustavo García Herrero, Advisor to the Department of Social Action and Head of Social Insertion, Saragossa City Council
Moderator: Isabel Pla, Councillor for Culture, Vilanova i la Geltrú Town Council
E3. Cultural Action (CCCB Classroom 3) Fedelatina, Federation of Latin-American Associations in Catalonia Javier García Bonomi , President of the federation
Moderator: Neus Muñoz, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Socio-cultural Services, Culture, Solidarity, Cooperation and Sports, Rubí Town Council
E4. Intercultural Cities (CCCB Classroom 1) Fuenlabrada Town Council and interculturality Manuel Robles, Mayor of Fuenlabrada
Moderator: Amadeu Aguado, Councillor for Culture, Terrassa Town Council
E5. Citizenry (CERC Plató) Networking and New Arrivals: the Immigration and Citizenry Programme of Manresa Town Council Ignasi Perramon, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Immigration, Manresa Town Council Moderator: Francisco Manuel Lorenzo, Councillor for Culture, Education and Civic Promotion, El Prat de Llobregat Town Council 13 h - 14 h Open Mike of Cultural Experiences (CERC Auditorium) Projects (CERC Auditorium) - Ulisses Project. Víctor Cucurull, Fundació Fusic, Barcelona This is a process of participatory artistic creation for social cohesion developed in the district of Poble Sec, Barcelona. With the participation of 22 civic and cultural organisations and more than thirty artists from Barcelona.
- La Bòbila Cultural Centre, Ricardo Castro, Centre cultural La Bòbila, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Based on the old tradition of women who use sewing circles to tell stories and share concerns, happy moments and misfortunes, the aim is to open La Bòbila to the creation of spaces where women meet again to create an environment of complicity as only they know how to do.
- Associació Orígens, Martín Miralles, President of the association Cultural association for understanding and sharing of values common to all traditions, identities and civilisations 14 h - 16 h Break 16 h - 18 h Plenary Session: The Challenges of the Intercultural City (CCCB Foyer) Ali Moussa Iye, Chief of Intercultural Dialogue Section of UNESCO Alfons Martinell, Director of the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Policies and Cooperation, University of Girona
Moderator: Avel·lí Serrano, Coordinator of the Department of Culture, Diputació de Barcelona 18 h - 19 h Closing Session (CCCB Foyer) Presentations by Jordi Martí, Delegate of Culture, Barcelona City Council; José Manuel González Labrador, President of the Department of Culture, Diputació de Barcelona; and Imma Moraleda Pérez, President of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona
Complimentary services Interacció'08 offers a range of complimentary services that seek to enrich the conference. These include:
Information and Documentation Centre
The Information and Documentation Centre of CERC-Centre for Cultural Studies and Resources, Diputació de Barcelona, specialised in cultural policies and management is available both to participants and speakers. It has a documentary collection of more than 10,000 bibliographic references, including monographs, journals and electronic resources. It is located at Pati Manning and public opening times are Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm. During the days of Interacció¿08 the times of the centre are from 9 am to 8 pm. The address is CERC, c/ Montalegre, 7, 08001. Tel.: 93.402.06.37 - cdoc@diba.cat.
Specialized bookshop
The bookshop Medios offers over the three days, in the Interacció venue, a selection of the best national and international titles on cultural management and policies.
Documentation and information open space
In the Pati Manning there is a space available to both speakers and participants to deposit any information they wish to put at the disposal of those attending.
Entrance to the exhibitions
Those people registered for Interacció '08 have free access to the exhibitions at MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona), and CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona) upon presentation of accreditation of the Conference and some form of ID.
The Courrier ACP-EU #7 out now!
Global fears in a global world
To the point
Strengthening the major partnerships: Interview with Alain Joyandet, French Junior Minister for Cooperation and the French-speaking World. Media and Development: a new field of action for Europe-Africa partnership?
Round up
African Union: A summit against the backdrop of the food crisis What cooperation exists between ACP countries and the EU’s overseas territories within the framework of the ACP? Overhaul of OCT-EU relations €1bn farming boost
ACP Stock Markets, Intro Rough seas and calm waters Missing out on an opportunity? Africa’s hidden value South Pacific Stock Exchange grows slowly Kenya: Seeking to become a regional hub NSE reaches out Caribbean: Into a headwind Nigeria Stock Exchange: Holding up
High stakes at ACP summit A look back at a first historic summit When is the Pacific ‘un-Pacific’? European Development Days. The countdown has begun. ACP wants Doha gains secured APRODEV: More competences for the ACP states before the final EPAs CONCORD, a voice for European NGOs A bigger regional drive
A day in the life of Béa Diallo - From the boxing ring to the political and social arena
Our Planet
Southern Africa - The vital challenge of renewable energy
Madagascar A Remarkable History “We want to set an example for other ACP countries” "An area of stability where resources can be mobilised for development" “Turning the economy around” Natural resources that need managing Decentralisation - ACORDS: A Pioneering Programme “The MAP doesn’t take enough account of social problems” Education: highly sensitive reforms Creating greater congruence between human and natural systems A Malagasy medley
Scope for Africa-China-EU policy Japan: Competing for trade and geopolitical influence. EU policy for all Africa’s friends? The Brazilian ambiguity
Discovering Europe
Attractions that go beyond the clichés Fort-de-France, a city to experience, not to consume In the footsteps of Aimé Césaire Apparent opulence and economic fragility Heading towards a definite yet hazy form of autonomy Martinique – Poorly organised but well served Fort-de-France’s Festival of Culture - Culture to provide the strength to look to the future The whole world should be in the movies
Blogs: a meeting room for African cartoonists Cultural Crossroads: the ZIFF festival ‘Ethnopassion’- Peggy Guggenheim’s collection
The Courrier ACP-EU #6 out now!
You can download the online edition at www.acp-eucourier.info
When a beautiful image is clouded
To the point
Enhancing Aid Effectiveness: An ACP Perspective We need action, not words
Round up
New cultural focus of Spanish co-operation FIJI PROBE Trade worries weigh on ACP ministers Ground prepared for South Africa-EU Summit Twinning for development
Food crisis Seeds of wrath, seeds of change Agriculture sits at the table of the major players “We need a Global Agricultural Policy” Open questions The “considerable potential” of Africa The Pacific - a region of relative security Soul-searching in import-dependent Caribbean
Slovenia marks respect for Cotonou Co-operation – EU - Réunion - Indian Ocean ACP Governance on the table in Ljubljana Observing the positives of migration
A day in the life of Derek Walcott, poet, dramatist, artist and Nobel Prize winner
Our Planet
Satellites deployed for poverty eradication
GHANA Modern Ghana, far from Ancient Ghana Gearing up for December elections Providence, prudence and planning New EU support used for governance and transport A pivotal role in the region Ghana – friendly to a fault Restoring the past for the future
Could Mozambique become an African economic dragon?
Discovering Europe
Réunion - Distilling cultures, evaporating prejudices HISTORY Terms for understanding Reunion's history Réunion’s nest egg is high technology. Surprisingly perhaps. How long will it last? Teixeira da Mota, Réunion’s first mother, and other stories Toursim - Snow and fire in the tropics Almost €2 bn from the EU to boost Réunion’s economy
AFRIQUE IN VISU: photographers meet each other on-line Contemporary culture in Senegal: Dak’art 2008 ‘Afrique: Miroir?’ Applying the same standards to the anti-heroes of Zimbabwe Jamaican Athletics: A model For the World Affectionately provoking
Conferenza e rassegna europea di prodotti ed esperienze per il dialogo interculturale
9,00 Registrazione e inaugurazione dell’Esposizione dei prodotti
Apertura dei lavori
Ugo Caffaz, Direttore Generale per le Politiche formative, Beni e Attività Culturali, Regione Toscana
9,30 La Regione Toscana per l’inclusione sociale e il dialogo interculturale: indirizzi e programmi Gianfranco Simoncini, Assessore all’istruzione e al lavoro, Regione Toscana
9,50 L’inclusione e il dialogo tra culture nelle politiche dei Comuni Italiani Fabio Sturani, Sindaco di Ancona, vicepresidente nazionale ANCI, con delega in materia di finanza locale e immigrazione
10,10 Dialogo interculturale e inclusione sociale nel programma di riforma scolastica nella Regione Styria Bernd Schilcher, Responsabile del Gruppo di esperti di riforma del sistema scolastico, Regione Styria/Austria
10,30 Il dialogo interculturale nel quadro delle strategie e dei programmi dell’Unione Europea Elisabetta Degiampietro, Commissione Europea, DG EAC
11,00 Coffee break
11,15 La formazione degli operatori per l’inclusione sociale e il dialogo interculturale nell’Università Le ragioni della Conferenza Simonetta Ulivieri, Preside della Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università degli Studi di Firenze Paolo Federighi, Presidente del Corso di laurea specialistica in Educazione degli adulti e formazione continua, Università degli Studi di Firenze Marco Vaime, Università degli Studi di Genova (da confermare)
11,45 Insediamento dei Workshop Workshop 1: Strumenti per l’apprendimento della lingua, della cultura del paese ospitante e per l’inclusione sociale Chair: Heidi Hudabiunigg, Landesschulrat für Steiermark (Austria)
12,00 -13,30 Strumenti e-learning per immigrati Antonella Castaldi, TRIO (Italia) VOGS/Esempio di valutazione di un modello di orientamento professionale per utenti non udenti in Europa Peter Härtel, Styrian and Austrian Association for Education and Economic, (valutatore del prodotto VOGS/ Vocational Guidance Standard Model for Deaf People, Austria) Apprendere via radio/Language Learning by Radio Paola Berbeglia, Centro Informazione e Educazione allo Sviluppo (Italia) Promozione dell’ integrazione delle donne pachistane Rolf Undset Aakervik, MiA (Norvegia) IntegRARsi-Equal Voices e Equal Languages Daniela Di Capua, ANCI (Italia)
13,30-14,15 Pranzo
14,15-15,30 Manuale per la integrazione delle lavoratrici domestiche migranti Sandra Federici, Africa e Mediterraneo (Italia) Apprendimento della lingua nel settore della salute Sigrid Dornetshuber, Berufsförderunginstitut (BFI) (Austria) Lingua in City – Moduli curriculari per la gestione dell’interculturalità sul posto di lavoro Margarita Defingou e Ourania Xylouri, ERGON KEK (Grecia) Bridges/Promozione della cittadinanza attiva attraverso l’uso di metodologie interattive e democratiche nell’insegnamento e apprendimento in età adulta della lingua del paese di arrivo Cospe (Italia) Rapporteur: Ekkehard Nuissl, Duisburg Universitat, DIE (Germania) Workshop 2: Strumenti per l’accoglienza e l’inclusione nei luoghi di lavoro, con particolare riferimento alla gestione delle relazioni interculturali tra lavoratori Chair: Cristina Cogoi, Melius srl (Italia)
12,00-13,30 Numero verde per rifugiati e richiedenti asilo Aida Nahum, ANCI (Italia) Moduli formativi online per la gestione dell’interculturalità in azienda Manfred Bock, Volskwagen (Germania) Guidenet-Il lavoro in rete di operatori di orientamento Roberta Rizzi, Informa scarl (Italia) Promozione di un ambiente di lavoro interculturale Gunnhild Aakervik, MiA (Norvegia) Strumenti a supporto dell’accesso alla formazione professionale continua per donne immigrate che offrono servizi sociali alle famiglie e alle persone anziane Pietro Celotti, Gruppo Camera Work (Italia)
13,30-14,15 Pranzo
14,15-15,30 Strumenti di autovalutazione per immigrati Giovanna Artale, Csapsa (Italia) SudMobil/Strumenti a supporto della mobilità per utenti con difficoltà di apprendimento Helmut Schinnerl, Atempo (Austria) Percorsi formativi per giovani donne gitane Luminita Tasica, Institute of Educational Sciences (Romania) Servizi di orientamento scolastico a distanza per aree rurali svantaggiate Nora Gikopoulou, Ellinogermaniki Agogi (Grecia) Rapporteur: Marco Marigo, Cospe (Italia)
The Courrier ACP-EU #3 out now!

The Courrier ACP-EU #3 is out now.
In this issue:
Report: Timor-Leste. Birth of a nation
Dossier: Africa. Energies
You can download the online edition at: www.acp-eucourier.info
The Courrier ACP-EU #4 and special # 1 out now!
The Courrier ACP-EU #4 plus Special # 1 out now|
In this issue:
- Pacific Islands. Climate change and vulnerability
- EU and ACP countries seek “adaptation strategies”
- EU’s 50th birthday: Congratulations from the ACP.
You can download the online edition at: www.acp-eucourier.info
Presentazione de Le Courrier ACP-UE
Programma Saluto di Nicole Seurat Délégation Culturelle/Alliance Française Introduzione di Andrea Marchesini Reggiani PR Manager Le Courrier ACP-UE Interventi Giovanni Bersani, fondatore del CEFA, Presidente onorario dell’Assemblea Parlamentare congiunta tra l’Unione Europea e Paesi ACP Ranieri Sabatucci, DG Sviluppo e Relazione con i paesi dell’Africa Caraibi e Pacifico, Commissione Europea Raffaella Chiodo, redazione di Ilaria, rivista della Cooperazione italiana, Ministero degli Affari Esteri Aldo Herlaut, Secrétaire Général di Culturesfrance, operatore del Ministero degli Affari Esteri francese e della Cultura e della Comunicazione per gli scambi culturali internazionali. Alain Sancerni, direttore di Riveneuve continents Sandra Federici, direttrice di Africa e Mediterraneo Presentazione del progetto Africa Comics, il PRemio Africa e Mediterraneo per il miglior fumetto inedito di autore africano
Ore 18.30: Cocktail musicale con il gruppo Mit’Africa di Alex Nkuin (Camerun) Per informazioni e il programma completo: tel. 340 3640414 amicambo@yahoo.com www.amicambo.it Africa e Mediterraneo Via Gamberi 4 40037 – Sasso Marconi Bologna www.africaemediterraneo.it redazione@africaemediterraneo.it
Integrazione delle lavoratrici domestiche migranti
Commissione Europea (DG Libertà, Giustizia e Sicurezza) Programma INTI 2005
Integrazione delle lavoratrici domestiche migranti. Strategie per l’occupazione e la partecipazione alla vita pubblica
Mercoledì 7 Novembre 2007 Ore 10.00-17.00 Sala del Consiglio - Sede Municipale via Matteotti, 154 - San Pietro in Casale (BO)
scarica la scheda d'iscrizione
Cucinano, fanno la spesa, sistemano il guardaroba, vanno a prendere i bambini a scuola, accompagnano il nonno a passeggiare, cambiano pannolini e pannoloni, fanno la lavatrice, stirano... Le lavoratrici domestiche migranti sono essenziali nelle case italiane, soprattutto per la cura di bambini e anziani. La maggior partecipazione delle donne al mondo del lavoro, per scelta o per l’aumento del costo della vita, ha reso le lavoratrici domestiche essenziali alla conciliazione dei tempi di vita e di lavoro, ma le istituzioni europee non hanno ancora affrontato il tema con la dovuta attenzione. Un gruppo di enti di ricerca e associazioni di 5 paesi europei stanno lavorando insieme nel progetto europeo Integrazione delle lavoratrici domestiche migranti. Strategie per l’occupazione e la partecipazione alla vita pubblica. Come tappa italiana del progetto, la cooperativa Lai-momo organizza un workshop per accrescere la consapevolezza sulle politiche, le buone pratiche e le strategie esistenti nel campo dell’integrazione delle lavoratrici domestiche immigrate e le connessioni con le progettualità innovative rivolte alla popolazione anziana. Il workshop è indirizzato ad operatori degli enti pubblici e del terzo settore, nonché ad amministratori e ricercatori interessati all’argomento.
Ore 10.00 Apertura dei lavori - Saluti di Alessandro Valenti Sindaco del Comune di San Pietro in Casale
Coordina i lavori della mattinata Elve Ghini assessore alla sanità, servizi alla persona, volontariato e pari opportunità del Comune di Anzola dell’Emilia
Ore 10,15 Il progetto INTI “Integration of female migrant domestic workers”
- Presentazione generale del progetto europeo Fabio Federici - project manager Lai-momo
- Le raccomandazioni politiche scaturite dal partenariato europeo Sandra Federici - policy expert Lai-momo
Ore 10,45 Le esperienze nei distretti socio-sanitari Pianura Est, Pianura Ovest, San Lazzaro di Savena, Imola
- Progetto “La mia casa sicura” - Distretto Pianura Est Roberta Francia - Medico di famiglia - Responsabile del progetto
- Progetto “Abitare assistito” - Distretto di San Lazzaro Gianalberto Cavazza - Referente per il Distretto di San Lazzaro di Savena
- Esperienze locali di formazione professionale per assistenti familiari Elena Vignocchi - Responsabile del progetto - CFP Futura
- Progetto Madreperla Eros Rilievo - Progettista Responsabile di Area Sociale - Modena Formazione
- L’esperienza del centro interculturale delle donne Trama di Terre Tiziana Dal Pra - Presidente dell’Associazione Trama di Terre
- Progetto “La comunità che cura” - Distretto Pianura Ovest Lorenzo Sarti – Responsabile del progetto
Pausa Pranzo
Ore 14,30 Tavola Rotonda: I livelli di governo delle politiche: piani di zona, provincia e regione Coordina la tavola rotonda Marco Macciantelli Sindaco del Comune di San Lazzaro di Savena
- Andrea Stuppini - Responsabile Servizio Politiche per l'accoglienza e l'integrazione sociale, Regione Emilia Romagna
- Simona Ferlini - Ufficio di supporto della Conferenza sociale e sanitaria di Bologna Provincia di Bologna, Servizio sicurezza sociale e tutela della salute U.O. Tutela della salute
- Massimiliano Di Toro Mammarella - Ufficio di piano, Distretto Pianura Ovest
- Gianalberto Cavazza - Ufficio di piano, Distretto San Lazzaro di Savena
- Raul Duranti - Ufficio di piano, Distretto Pianura Est
La partecipazione agli incontri è gratuita su iscrizione inviando la scheda di partecipazione, disponibile sul sito www.laimomo.it (area Progetti) a Tatiana di Federico (t.di.federico@africaemediterraneo.it). oppure telefonicamente al numero 051 840166 fax. 051 6790117. .
Il progetto è co-finanziato dalla Commissione Europea (DG Libertà, Sicurezza e Giustizia), nell’ambito del Programma INTI 2005, finalizzato all’integrazione dei cittadini provenienti da paesi terzi. I partner del progetto sono: - Lai momo – Italia; - CREA (Centro di Ricerca in teorie e pratiche per superare le disuguaglianze) – Spagna; - ISIS (Istituto per l’Infrastruttura Sociale) – Germania; - MIGS (Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies) – Cipro.